Adamstown Parish Newsletter Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd March 2025 Volume 25. Number 8 _________________________________________________________…
3rd September, 2023
Adamstown Parish Newsletter
Weekend of Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd September 2023
Volume 23. Number 33
The next draw in the Adamstown Lotto takes place this Monday 4th Sept in the Community Centre for a Jackpot of €15,000. Do buy a ticket and be in with a chance – it will be won and it could be you!! Please leave books back in Cullen’s shop by 8pm on draw night.
Thanks for your continued support.
Raheen Rounders Club.
Huge congratulations to the U-13 Boys Raheen/Adamstown/Newbawn Community Games team who got bronze in the All-Ireland Rounders this week.
The boys played brilliantly in the semi-final against Limerick, displaying some excellent fielding & batting; unfortunately Limerick had a great final inning & took the win. This resulted in the boys progressing to 3rd/4th place playoff.
Playing against Monaghan the boys had a superb match & took home the bronze. The team consisted of Captain Peadar Browne & Declan Browne, Aaron Kirwan, Wade Flanagan, Bobby O’Shea, Aidan O’Callaghan, Sean Moran, Liam Prendergast, Will Fortune, Óisin Connell, Elijah Morgan & Danyal Quli. Well done to Dylan Whitty & Joanne Murphy for training the kids all summer. Thanks to the parents for their patience and commitment in travelling to all the matches. Finally thanks to Raheen FRC who sponsored the jerseys & Emerald Diamond International who sponsored our training equipment. Well done all.
Congratulations & well done to Sean Doyle, Ballyvergin who was part of Wexford U14 Hurling Development Squad at the Sonny Walsh Tournament in Waterford last weekend. Well done also to Adrian Morrissey, Rathsilla who was one of the coaches who have put in a massive amount of work with the boys during the year.
Well done also to our U10’s and their mentors who took part in the Martin Codd Tournament over last weekend. Some seriously talented young boys and we wish them well on their GAA journey in the years ahead. Huge thanks to their mentors who are putting in massive work with the lads.
Well done to coach Elaine 1st female over 35, Emma 2nd & Anna 3rd U15, Sean 1st & Charlie 2nd U15 and Leah 1st kids 3k race at the Noel Walsh Memorial Race on Sunday last. Well done to all Adamstown athletes & parents who competed.
Well done to James Prendergast who came 4th competing for Ireland on Sunday last in the UK championships U15 Boys Shot Putt with a personal best of 13.91
SMALL BLESSING – (Aideen Madden – Messenger Mag)
Recently I have become aware of what I tended to think of as the ‘small’ blessings in my life. This, I think, I have done without adverting very much to their source. More recently, I have come to realise that these many gifts that I receive on a daily basis are what Dom Christopher Dillon, a monk of Glenstal Abbey, once described when he wrote of ‘happy coincidences’ as ‘God acting anonymously in the world’
What a beautiful, true, inspiring and uplifting thought!
The ‘small’ blessings we receive on a daily basis have their own source in a loving God who acts with gentle and generous kindness in our world. His blessings to us are like prompts to remind us of h is eternal and everlasting love for us. A blessing for us might seem insignificant, but are the happy coincidence we encounter daily of no importance?
We are glad, for example, when we set out to the shop for our groceries to be able to get a handy parking space for our car. When we go for a walk are we aware of God’s gift of fresh air as we breathe it in? If we have a pleasant chat with someone unexpectedly that lifts our spirits, who sent them to us that day? If we hear some uplifting story on the radio or enjoy some music that brings us happy memories, what is the true source of all these gifts? If we get a surprise phone-call from a good friend, we are thankful to them. Are we grateful enough to God for enriching our lives with such a friend? Mother Janet Erskine Stuart of the Religious Sisters of the Sacred Heart puts before us beautifully what our response needs to be. She saw it as our main mission in life to be bearers of blessings of all kinds to other people – to be joy-bearers and joy-givers. ‘If one brings joy to others, one is doing God’s work’, she wrote. Bringing even ‘small’ blessings to others is doing God’s work.
We welcome back to school our staff & pupils from last year and a ‘big welcome’ to our new Junior Infants & other pupils who have joined various classes in Scoil Naomh Abbáin.
We send our good wishes to pupils who now have progressed to 2nd level education and wish them well.
Reminding car drivers to be vigilant on the roads in the coming weeks & months as children travel to school as winter approaches.
We also extend our good wishes to staff & students in Coláiste Abbáin as they begin their new school year.
Included with your Newsletter this week is Bishop Ger Nash’s Pastoral Letter in relation to Lay Ministry.
Also included is a breakdown of factors relating to churches/priests/ages – entitled What are the ‘facts/data’ relating to the challenges facing the Diocese of Ferns.
Sat 2nd – Paddy & Molly Larkin, Adamstown (A)
Also – Ann English, Glenour (A)
Sun 3rd – Peg & Paul Kearns, Raheen also
Bridget Lawlor, Knockreigh (A)
Sat 9th – Josie & Mick Whelan, Tomgarrow (A)
Also – Phyllis Bernie & Fred O’Brien, Dublin
Sun 10th – Joe Bradley, The Hill
Wed 6th – 9.30am – Jimmy & Josephine Bradley,
Barrack’s Rd. (A)
May they rest in peace.
Sat 2nd Sept – Eoghan Greene. Sun – Family Mass.
Sat 9th – Anthony McGee Sun 10th – Kay Whelan
Sat 16th – Liam Whelan. Sun 17th – Ann Ryan
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume again on Thursday 14th September beginning at 10.00am and concluding at 1.00pm.
The Prayer Group gathering in St. Abban’s Church will resume on Sunday 10th September.
POPE FRANCIS ON Social Inclusion:
‘I cannot reduce my life to relationships with a small group, even my own family; I cannot know myself apart from a broader network of relationships, including those that have preceded me and shaped my entire life. My relationship with those whom I respect has to take account of the fact that they do not live only for me, nor do I live only for them.
Our relationships, if healthy and authentic, open us to others who expand and enrich us. Nowadays, our noblest social instincts can easily be thwarted by self-centred chats that give the impression of being deep relationships. On the contrary, authentic and mature love and true friendship can only take root in hearts open to growth through relationships with others. As couples for friends, we find that our hearts expand as we step out of ourselves and embrace others. Closed groups and self-absorbed couples that define themselves in opposition to others tend to be expressions of selfishness and mere self-preservation’
(Pope Francis – Fratelli Tutti, 89)
A Poem we learned at school written by Jeannie Kirby
I wonder why the grass is green,
And why the wind is never seen?
Who taught the birds to build a nest?
And told the trees to take a rest?
O, when the moon is not quite round,
Where can the missing bit be found?
Who lights the stars, when they blow out.
And make the lightening flash about?
Who paints the rainbow in the sky?
And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?
Why is it now, do you suppose
That Dad won’t tell me, if he knows?
PATRON SUNDAY – 3rd September 2023
This Sunday is our Annual Patron Sunday, Mass will be celebrated in St. Abban’s Church at 1.30pm followed by Blessing of Graves. The Cemetery Committee will hold their usual Patron Day collection for the upkeep of our cemetery, please be as generous as you can. Thank you.
Patron Sunday is a very special day in our Parish, a day when we remember all those who have gone to their eternal reward over the years. It is also a sad day for many parishioners; particularly those who have lost much loved family members, relatives and close friends since last Patron.
We remember and pray today for the following
who have died since last Patron.
Tommy Furlong, Raheenduff
Johnny Bradley, Ballyvergin
Thomas (Cha) Sinnott, Waterford & Clonroche
Trevor Booth, Waterford & Enniscorthy
Fred O’Brien, Dublin
Mary Flood, Oldcourt
Pat Martin, Woodview Drive.
Marie O’Gorman, Kellystown
Jimmy Roche, Woodview Drive.
Cáit Fortune, Doononey
Jimmy O’Shea, Adamstown
Walter Flanagan, Templenacrow
Ephraim Cloney, Ballagh
Mary Galway, Misterin Lower
Kitty Byrne, Bree
Ned Buckley, Brocurra
Bridie Deegan (née Lawlor) the City, Oldcourt
Aunty Campbell, (née Lawlor) the City, Oldcourt
Ellen Connors, The Hill
Kaye Whelan, Glynn
Vincent Power, The Leap
Elizabeth Welbin, Dublin
Lena Doyle, Raheenkennedy & Ballyvergin
Francis Kent, Duncormick & Adamstown
Tony Comerford, Larchvilla, Waterford & Oldcourt
Michael Comerford, Carrick-on-Suir & Oldcourt
Christopher (Christy) Kiely, Cork & Tomgarrow
Lord, be good to them,
And show them all your love.
Lord, be kind to them,
And grant them peace above.
Lord, be merciful to them,
And wipe their sins away.
Lord, be generous to them,
With all my heart I pray.
Lord, be gracious to them,
For good that they have done.
Lord be gentle with them,
For sufferings undergone.
Lord, may we meet again,
When heaven’s crown is won. Amen.