Adamstown Parish Newsletter Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd March 2025 Volume 25. Number 8 _________________________________________________________…
October 17th, 2021
Adamstown Parish Newsletter
Weekend of Sat 16th & Sun 17th October 2021
Volume 22. Number 39
The Adamstown National School Parents’ Association held their Annual General Meeting in the school on 7th October. Thanks so much to Principal Mrs Claire Kickham, Fr. Nolan and to all the parents who attended the meeting.
It was a very informative meeting and a lot of discussion was held around the activities of the many updates / additions to the school over the last year.
The committee for the upcoming year is as follows:
Joint Chairpersons: Liz Moran & Yvonne English.
Secretary: Hannelie Cawthorn.
Committee members: Annette Doran, Catherine English, Bridget Colfer, Lisa Egan, Mark Mernagh, Sharon Whelan, Michelle Payne, Lisa Traynor, Susan O’Shea, Margo O’Reilly, Orlaith Doyle. Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support.
We wish the Parents Association the very best for the coming year.
Congratulations to Adrian Morrissey who won the Irish Snooker Challenge Championships last weekend in the Tralee Snooker Club in County Kerry. With an entry of 13, Adrian got a bye to the quarter finals, in which he played Dublin man Eric Pel winning 3-2, in the semi-finals he was up against another Wexford man Adrian Doran, in a closely fought match Adrian won the match 3-1. In the Final match against local man Jamie Moriarty Adrian won the title 3-1. It was a well-deserved victory for the Adamstown man who has won many snooker matches over the years and we wish him continued success.
Intermediate Football
Well done to the Adamstown Intermediate footballers in their victory over Kilanerin by 1-16 – 0-15 in the Joyces Expert ‘A’ football championship at St. Patrick’s Park on Saturday 9th.
Sadly Tony French received a knee injury and we hope he makes a full recovery. The team was: Alan Bradley, Michael Curtis, Lorcan French, Kieran Finn, Brendan Furlong, Andrew Boland (capt); Páiric Wickham, Shane O’Gorman
(0-1); Michael Furlong (1-5); Tomás French, Tony French
(0-2); David McEvoy (0-1); Rúairí O’Brien (0-4); Paudie Barden (0-2); Harry Cosgrave. Subs; Shane White (0-1) for T. French; Craig Bradley for D McEvoy; William Whitney-Rothwell for Wickham.
Well done to the Adamstown athletes who took part in the cross-country at Orristown last weekend.
In the U-9 races girls Grace White won gold & in the boys Joe Breen also took gold.
In the U-11 girls Lily O’ Callaghan took bronze.
Adamstown team finished in third place in the team points.
Well done all.
IN OUR TIME – DAN WALSH: Echo Newspaper Nov ’06
Newspaper ‘censored’ in Adamstown
Of all, the newspapers published in the old days and now extinct, the memory of ‘The Nightingale’ is the strongest, particularly in the Adamstown area of Co. Wexford.
It was basically a gossip sheet that exceeded the normal limits of coverage and would publish names and places where ladies & gents met. The greatest fear in those days was being identified as having enjoyed a dance with someone, and a second time round the floor guaranteed a mention! The activity of courting couples was big news. It terrified the friendly duo, was widely condemned, and, of course, it was the kind of gossip that fed the appetite of old biddies for months afterwards. ‘The Nightingale’ carried the kind of news that was novel for the time, but with hindsight it was harmless except for the persuasion the local clergy and the strict social codes of the time. From Bernard Browne’s Book ‘Old Ross, the town that never was’
‘The Nightingale’ was a broadsheet newspaper, which was published in The Leap, Adamstown by John J. Evoy.
“He was born in the townsland of Kellystown, his father was a carpenter by trade. He turned his attention to printing and hand-carved his own type and made his own printing press.
He eventually produced, edited and printed the first edition of the ‘Nightingale’ in 1892. The first issues were about the size of a school slate and subsequent editions were full broadsheet size. It was circulated weekly and the editor had correspondents far and wide who sent their reports of barn dances, house dances and Mummers balls for publication.
The wit was sharp, containing thinly concealed and disguised gossip, as well as advertisement and ballads.
Some local people took offence at the publication and the local clergy had the editor and his printing press removed from the district. Evoy took up exile in Carlow and continued to publish from there and mailed the broadsheets to locals.
He eventually returned to The Leap, in an issue from Carlow dated April 16th, 1896 he refers to ‘The Nightingale’s sojourn there and the disastrous effect of its absence and its censorship in Adamstown. He also published Mummers rhymes and ballads. John J Evoy is buried in Adamstown.
Flu vaccines for adults and nasal vaccines for children aged 2-17 years available. Please phone 053 9240460 or
053 9240454 for further information and to make an appointment.
Leadership isn’t about being the best;
it’s about bringing out the best in others.
Sat Oct 16th – John McCabe. Ballyvergin (A)
Sun Oct 17th – Bud O’Neill, The Boola (A)
Thurs Oct 21st – Bernard Doyle, Oldcourt (A)
Sat Oct 23rd – Denis & Elizabeth Cummins, Raheenduff (A)
Sun Oct 24th – Mary Anne Nolan & Anne Handrick, New Ross (A)
May they rest in peace.
Feast Days this week:
Mon 18th – St Luke. Patron of butchers, bookbinders, doctors, surgeons, artists & glassworkers.
Tue 19th – St. Paul of the Cross – He founded the Passionists in Rome, preaching on the Passion of Christ and tending the sick, dying and the lapsed.
Fri 22nd – St. John Paul 11. He was Pope for over 26 years from 22nd Oct 1978 until his death on 2nd April 2005. Ordained Bishop of Krakow in 1958 and took a significant part in the Second Vatican Council. As Bishop of Rome he visited almost all of the Roman parishes and made apostolic journeys to 104 countries, including Ireland in 1979 from 29th Sept – 2nd October.
In these days, the Catholic Church throughout the world and in Ireland is beginning a series of conversations about what God wants of his people at this time. These conversations are often referred to as a Synodal Process. “Synodal” comes from a Greek word which means “walking together”
On Sunday 17th October we mark the opening of this Synodal Process entitled For a synodal Church: comunnion, participation and mission. This Synodal Process coincides with the start of a two-year Synodal Pathway for the Catholic Church in Ireland which will lead, in time to a National Synodal Assembly in Ireland.
We pray that the next two years will be a time of prayer, listening and discernment, involving a consultative conversation. This will allow all people – both within the Church and in society at large, to share their insights into the Catholic Church in Ireland – past, present and future – so that we can prepare for a National Synodal Assembly in the coming years. – to learn more about the Synodal Pathway for the Catholic Church in Ireland. – to learn more about the worldwide Synod.
Prayer of the Faithful for use at all Masses this weekend
“Father of all, as we begin this journey together, may we be guided by the Holy Spirit so that we may truly listen and discern together”
Ger Nash – Bishop of Ferns.
A collection will be taken up on Sun 24th Oct in St. Abban’s Church in aid of World Missions. You will find envelopes
on your seats in the church. Would you be kind enough to take home these envelopes and place your contributions in them and return them next Sunday Oct 24th. . Thank You.
Patrick Fortune, Doononey R.I.P.
It was with deep sadness the news of the unexpected passing of Patrick Fortune, Doononey was received in the Parish on Monday 4th October. We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife Mary, children Patricia, Eamonn, Christine, Kevin, Alan and Patrick, his sisters Margaret and Monica, grandchildren, extended family, neighbours and friends. Patrick was predeceased by his brother Tony.
His funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Abban’s Church on Wednesday 6th Oct with burial afterwards in Galbally Cemetery. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
Anthony (Tony) Booth, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath & Adamstown. R.I.P.
The death occurred on Wednesday 12th Oct of Tony Booth, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath and formerly Adamstown. Son of the late Patrick and Nancy, he is survived by his sisters Mary, Anna, his twin Paschal, brother Michael to whom we extend our deepest sympathy. Tony was predeceased by his brother Jay and sister Kathleen. Our sympathy also to his many relatives and friends in Adamstown and Enniscorthy. Tony’s funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Senan’s Church, Enniscorthy on Friday last with burial afterwards in Adamstown Cemetery.
May his kind soul rest in peace.
Rev. Murty Byrne P.P. Ballymore, Killinick R.I.P.
It was with sadness we heard on Wednesday last of the death of Fr. Murty Byrne P.P. Ballymore/Mayglass Parish. Fr. Murty will be fondly remembered in our Parish and surrounds from his ministry in Raheen some years ago.
We offer our deepest condolences to his brothers Jim, Seanie, sisters Blee and Ell, extended family, neighbours and his parishioners. His funeral mass was celebrated in Ballymore Church on Friday last with burial afterwards in Rathangan Cemetery. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
The offices of the New Ross Standard in New Ross will not be open to the public after Friday October 15th…. but it’s business as usual for your favourite local paper.
We’ve worked through the Covid pandemic together and we will continue to deliver a high standard of service to the local community in our news, sport and advertising pages.
For Advertising email
or or call 051 421 184
For Editorial contact David Looby:
or phone 051 425 796
WHAT’S IN A WORD (John Kahn)
Budget – When the Minister for Finance presents his budget, he is in effect opening his purse for inspection.
Budget originally referred to a leather pouch or wallet – or to a bag of the kind in which the budget was carried before being presented to parliament. The word goes back through French to the Latin bulga ‘a leather bag’