Adamstown Parish Newsletter Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd March 2025 Volume 25. Number 8 _________________________________________________________…
March 7th, 2021
Adamstown Parish Newsletter
Weekend of Sat 6th & Sun 7th March 2021
Volume 22 Number 8
Glasser’s 5 Life Basic Skills William Glasser was an American psychiatrist and the developer of Reality therapy and choice theory which is used widely by Counsellors and Psychologists across the world. He states that all humans have five basic needs which are survival, love/belonging, power, freedom and fun. According to Glasser, these needs are universal, innate and overlapping and that we are striving moment to moment to satisfy these needs. They can also conflict with other peoples needs. Given that we are in lockdown and spending a lot more time in the company of our immediate family it might be worthwhile to look at the meaning of these needs and ask ourselves which ones are out of kilter in our lives. Survival is a physiological need and includes the need for food, shelter and safety. Because we are hard wired to survive this also includes the need to reproduce. Love/belonging This includes the need to love and belong, to have relationships and social connections. To give and receive affection and to feel part of a group. This is a psychological need along with power, Freedom and fun. Power To feel powerful is to achieve and be competent, to be skilled and have recognition for our achievements, to be listened to and have a sense of self worth. Freedom The need to feel free, independent and autonomous. To feel you are in control of your own life. Fun The need to play and laugh. To enjoy your hobbies and get together with friends, whether it’s playing sports or going to the Cinema, dancing or whatever you enjoy doing most. Perhaps ask yourself which of these needs is out of kilter for you. If you survival need is not being met it could be that you are worrying about money or maybe you are worried about losing your job due to Covid, or perhaps you don’t feel safe when you are out and about in the community because of fear of infection. If it is your love/belonging need you may be concerned about your relationship with your spouse or partner. Being in close proximity with family members may be creating more conflict in relationships. You may be missing members of your GAA club or another organization to which you are attached or attending Mass. If your power need is not being met you may be missing the positive feed back you get in your workplace or perhaps your confidence is not what it used to be. Freedom means different things to different people. Some people might be finding the 5 Km rule difficult to obey and for others it might be that they want to be free of all restrictions. There are people who cannot see their grandchildren or other family members and that impacts on the freedom need. This piece is written as a means of increasing self awareness during Covid. Some people may be feeling a bit down and not know why. Looking at each of these needs could be helpful. The most important thing now is that we have a vaccine which seems to be successful and the number of new cases is dropping. We are heading for the finish line so keep safe and well. (Bernadette Whelan Counsellor 087 7619702) A BIT OF HISTORY – Foot & Mouth Disease A Notice from our Newsletter 3rd & 4th March 2001 One of the biggest threats to all our livelihoods at the present moment is the threat of a foot and mouth outbreak in the Republic. It would mean a sudden death for our “Celtic Tiger” and have a very adverse effect on every man, woman and child in this country. We depend on other countries to buy 90% of what we produce, so its imperative that we stay clear of the dreaded foot & mouth disease. Remember we all have a very important part to play, such as farmers, business places, schools, churches etc, having disinfectants placed at their entrances. The rest of us should not enter these places without using the disinfectant and using the disinfectant again when leaving. We ask everyone to please adhere to all precautions and restrictions, and hopefully, please God, we may escape this dreaded plague in the Republic. (Unfortunately Foot & Mouth did enter the Republic on 21st March 2001) P.S. Its hard to believe its 20 years ago since that happened, we recovered and we will do again in this Pandemic – by following the guidelines and regulations that we have been asked to follow. UPDATE ON STEP IT UP AND OUT: N.S. Parents Assoc Thanks to all the teams and families that have entered a team, there are 16 teams covering 5,213kms! Please support the teams whatever way you can, even if it is just to give them a wave and a smile when you see them out and about getting their kms done! The teams have picked from the following routes to cover their kilometres. Great Ocean Road – 240 km, Adamstown to Cork – 159 km, Length of Ireland – 486 km, English Channel – 33 km, Camino de Santiago – 772 km, Mount Everest – 64 km, Ring of Kerry – 200 km. Its not too late to join in – maybe we can the kms even higher! Every kilometre counts – just put in a challenge to suit you, if you are in a position to donate to the fundraiser, here is the link: adamstown-ns-step-it-up-amp-out-challenge.html Thanks for your ongoing support to the Adamstown NS funding for the upgrade to the school’s playground. Adamstown NS Parents Association. THE PRIEST AND THE CORNER BOY The Parish Priest didn’t drive a car, he went everywhere on his bicycle. One Monday morning he was taking the money collected on the previous day to the bank in the next village, which was only a few miles away. As he cycled into the village where the bank was located, the parish priest of that village was standing at a street corner. He saw the other parish priest arriving on his bicycle with a bag of money hanging from the handlebars. As the priest on the bicycle passed by, the priest on the corner asked him, “Was the Sunday collection good?”. The priest on the bicycle replied, “I don’t discuss my business with corner boys!” CHURCH NOTICES IN MEMORIAM Sat 6th – Seamus & Nan Fortune, Clonroche (A) Sun 7th – Greg & Annie Bolger and Nell Bolger, Misterin (A) Sat 13th – Edward Whelan, Brocurra and deceased members of the Whelan family (A) Sun 14th – Jack, Patrick & Annie O’Gorman, Kellystown (A) Fr. Aidan Redmond P.P. Adamstown (A) Tomás Kelly & Richard Fortune – Birthday Remembrances May they rest in peace. SUNDAY ENVELOPES If you wish you may use 365 Banking and transfer your contribution periodically to the parochial account, please put your Sunday Envelope number on your donation or your name: Adamstown Parochial A/C Current Account BIC: BOFIIE2D IBAN: IE04 BOFI 9066 6276 8462 48 PRAYER FOR THE WEEK Prayer to God for help, comfort and salvation God our Father, Creator of the world, almighty and merciful, out of love for us You sent your Son into the world. as the doctor of our souls and our bodies, look upon your children who in this difficult time of confusion and dismay in many regions of Europe and the world, turn to you seeking strength, salvation and relief, deliver us from illness and fear, heal our sick, comfort their families, give wisdom to our rulers, energy and reward to our doctors, nurses and volunteers, eternal life to the dead. Do not abandon us in the moment of trial but deliver us from all evil. We ask this of Thee, who with the Son and the Holy Spirit, live and reign for ever and ever. Amen THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK – A Best Friend: A best friend is always there, whether you need advice, or a pep talk, or even a shoulder to cry on. A best friend listens with the heart and is always honest with you, even though the truth may not be what you want to hear. A best friend knows all your secrets, understands your fears and shares your dreams. A best friend never stops believing in you even if you give up on yourself. Lord, You are that kind of friend to me. And no matter what happens, You always will be. You are my best friend ….my forever friend. HELP FEED 100 HUNGRY CHILDREN FOR A YEAR An online quiz to support Mary’s Meals will be held on Friday March 26th at 8pm. Entry fee/donation is €10. To enter: 1) log on to Mary’s Meals website 2) go to start fundraising 3) click on search for friend’s project 4) type in quiz. You can, of course, donate without taking part in the quiz! Contact person: Martin Colfer 087 2596159. Your support would be very much appreciated. CLLR. JIM CODD, ON BANK CLOSURES I’m extremely alarmed to hear that Bank of Ireland are planning to close their Branches in Taghmon & Rosslare Harbour. This is another attack on Rural Ireland and will leave many people who are not comfortable using Online Banking hung out to dry. The Irish taxpayer has invested €4.7 billion in Banking in Ireland following the Banking crash. To now show utter disrespect to the people of Ireland is simply not good enough. I am asking people to sign a petition in an effort to save these two Banks. You may think this does not concern you, but it will have an adverse effect on our local communities. I welcome the news that our Post Offices will handle some of the banking services, but they simply cannot deal with mortgages, S.M.E’s or Farm and Personal loans or Finance. Research has shown that SME’s access to loans drop by 63% with the loss of a local Branch. The knock-on effect on our local economy may be severe. I am asking people to sign a petition to save the Banks, and looking for volunteers to help. You can phone me at: 076107083 or email; ST. PATRICK’S BELL (Fr. Michael Collins, Messenger) When Pope St. John Paul 11 celebrated Mass at the Phoenix Park in Sept 1979, a dull noise sounded at the moment of consecration. The metal bell that struck twice came from the nearby Museum of Ireland, which has held the ‘Bells of St. Patrick’ since the early twentieth century. The iron bell is one of about 100 which were made from the fifth to the tenth century. When, according to the Annals of Ulster, St. Patrick’s tomb at Armagh was opened in 553 a chalice, gospel and bell were found inside. The last keeper of the bell of St. Patrick, Henry Mulholland, died at Edenduffcarrick in the North of Ireland in 1819. On his deathbed, he told a former pupil, Adam MacClean, that the bell of St. Patrick was buried in his back garden. To his surprise, when MacClean unearthed the bell it was encased in an elaborate metal shrine decorated with gold filigree, rock crystals and semi-precious stones. According to an inscription, the shrine was commissioned by Domhnall Ua Lochlainn, King of Ireland, and the first keeper of the bell, Cathalan O Maelchallain, circa AD 1100. The front of the gilt metal shrine is divided into eight panels while the reverse is decorated with interlocking crosses. Eight serpents cover the sides of the container, while the handle is encased in an exquisite arch which depicts stylised birds of paradise. It stands equal to the sumptuously illuminated Book of Kells and the elegant Tara Brooch. The bell of St. Patrick is a tangible link to the early years of Christianity in Ireland sixteen centuries ago. COMMUNITY GARDEN PROJECTS ARC FRC in conjunction with Innovate Together and Waterford & Wexford ETB Community Education Dept is currently setting up Community Gardens in Adamstown & Clonroche. Horticulture classes will be available to anybody from these areas that is interested in gardening regardless of their level of experience. If you would like to register your interest in attending classes in either location please contact Carmen or Bridget at 051 442888 |