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21st May, 2023

Adamstown Parish Newsletter

Weekend of Sat 20th ^ Sun 21st May 2023



The winning numbers in the Adamstown Lotto draw on Monday 15th May were: 3 – 5 – 6 – 10. There was no Jackpot winner including online players, and four match three players who each received €50. Callie Doyle, Knockreigh; Lisa Delaney, Tomgarrow; Carol Ann Donovan, Foulksmills and Avril Phelan, The Leap.

The next draw is on Monday 29th May for a Jackpot of

€15,000. It’s still there to be won – keep on buying the tickets.


The monthly meeting was held on Wed May 10th, in the Community Centre at 8pm. There was a good attendance and after the prayer & singing My Land the meeting commenced. Our President Helen Furlong welcomed everyone, & first up for discussion was our Summer Outiing.

Various ideas were put forward, but we will have more details for our next meeting. Helen has organised a trip to Enniscorthy Castle Museum for Saturday May 20th to view the ICA Presentation that’s on display there. We will be having lunch first at Wheelock’s Garden Centre at 12.30.

Six ladies have confirmed they will be travelling to Athlone for the ICA AGM on the following Sat May 27th. Competition for nicest photo of your pet was won by Eileen Thorpe, she will go on to represent the Guild at County level. Dympna Rochford won the raffle. Our Guild has agreed to host the Special Occasions Competition in Coláiste Abbáin on Thursday June 29th. A lovely tea was served by Mary Lawlor & Eleanor Power, thank you ladies!

Next monthly meeting Wednesday 14th June in the Community Centre at 8pm. New members very welcome.



Adult Fittest Family Adult Course – Event June 4th

€200 per team – 4 per team.  At Least one Female on each team.  Age 14 and up can compete.

Contact Lorcan at 087 6148503

Adamstown Fittest Family – Under 8 and Down Course

Exciting new Addition €10 per child.

Adamstown Fittest Family – Under 13 to Under 9 Course

With new addition of Hanging Tough – …€10 per child.

On Saturday last Adamstown GAA Oneclub had their

‘The Hand Me Down Hurl Initiative’ asking people if they have old/spare hurleys at home to donate them to the club, if your child needs a new hurl or replacement hurl, please feel free to ask for assistance. Thanks to the organisers and to all those who donated spare hurleys.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK  (Winston Churchill)

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;

Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.


Well done to all our athletes competing in Day 3 county championships, special mention to our medal winners:

U9 boys Alfie 3rd turbo jav; u11girls Grace 1st 60m, 1st turbo, 1st high jump, 2nd 600m; u12 boys Charlie 3rd hurdles; u14 boys Sean 1st walk, 3rd hurdles; Aidan 3rd 800m.

South Leinster Secondary Schools Track & Field

Well done to Ciara Mooney who came 1st in the Senior Girls 3,000m (St. Mary’s, New Ross); & James Prendergast 2nd in Junior Shot put (Good Counsel, New Ross)

Well done everyone.


Twenty children from 2nd class in Adamstown National School received their First Holy Communion in beautiful sunshine on Saturday last. Congratulations to the children, parents, teacher Ms. Dolan, Music Mrs Kickham, and choir for a lovely ceremony, with celebrant Fr. Robert Nolan.

We hope they had a lovely family day and God’s blessings on each and every one. The following children received their First Holy Communion; Alesha, Aoibh, Brianna, Caoimhe, Carly, Cillian, Con, Conor C, Conor E, Holly, Henry, Jim, Louise, Milosz, Nan, Nicky, Patrick, Róisín, Sarah, Stephen.


Covid 19 Booster Vaccines will be available to all over 70’s in Adamstown Pharmacy until the end of May 2023.

It is recommended that all over 70’s receive a covid booster vaccine before the end of May. For all those interested please call Adamstown Pharmacy on 053 9240460 or

 053 9240454 to book an appointment.



With Denis O’Connor on Thursday 25th May 2023

Venue: St. Michael’s Pastoral Centre, Michael St,

New Ross at 7.30pm.

This event is organised by New Ross Bethany Bereavement Support Group.

IT HAPPENED IN MAY! – 24th May 1844 (Pioneer Mag)

Telegraph inventor Samuel Morse sent the first official telegraph message from an experimental line in Washington DV to Baltimore, which when decoded, read, “What hath God wrought?” Annie Ellsworth, the daughter of a friend, is credited with suggesting the message, which she plucked from the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament, chapter 23, verse 23.

IRISH CIVIL WAR – Date 26th June 1922 – 24th May 1923

The Irish Civil War ended on 24th May 1923

(10 months, 3 weeks and 5 days)

We remember in prayer all those who lost their lives in the Irish Civil War.


Sat 20th – Pat Foley, The Leap also the deceased members of the O’Brien family, Adamstown.  And the deceased members of the Foley family, Newbawn (A)

Sun 21st – Tommy and Bernie Whitty, Oldcourt (A)

Sat 27th – Ephraim Cloney, Ballagh, (Month’s Mind)

Sun 28th – Francis Furlong, Misterin (A)

Pray for Michael Delaney, Brocurra (A)

May they rest in peace.


Sun 21st –  The Ascension –



Sat 27th – Neasa Cloney.     Sun 28th – Sheelagh Delaney

Sat 3rd June – Annette English.  Sun 4th Callie Doyle

Sat 10th – Cáit Bradley.           Sun 11th – Kathleen O’Connor

Morning Mass each week day at 9.30am.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday from 10.00am – 1.00pm.

Rosary at Knockreigh Grotto each week night at 8pm.

for the month of May.


(From the Bishop’s House)

Ferns and Killaloe Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine on Sunday 2nd July 2023. We are looking for volunteers from each parish to organise a coach to bring pilgrims to Our Lady’s Shrine on the day. We are also asking for singers to join our pilgrimage choir in singing simple, well known hymns during the ceremonies. For more information about the Pilgrimage, please contact the Sec on 087 2933545 as soon as possible.

Note: Adamstown Parish will organize a coach if there are enough people interested in travelling to Knock on 2nd July. If interested please phone 087 2480964 with your name and contact number.

MARY’S MEALS QUIZ  –  From hunger to hope”

This monthly online quiz takes place next Friday (May 28th) at 8pm. It is now feeding over 500 hungry children every school day in a place of education.

For the price of a single Mars bar 13 meals can be provided. Please help us to do more by participating.

1) It is FREE 

2) You are not visible to other players

3) You can use a nickname so your name will not appear on the screen.  To take part: 

1) Google and

2) put in the code for this month which is 853340

Thank you to everyone in the parish for your support to date.

To donate go to or contact Martin Colfer on 087 2596159. Please ‘Like’ us on Facebook by going to MMQuiz. That alone would be helpful.


Presentation on Adoration by Ferns Adoration Group during all Masses in St. Abban’s Church on the weekend of

10th & 11th June 2023. Meeting of Helpers: After Mass on Tuesday 30th May.  All are welcome.


Meetings for Parish Adoration Committees at 7.30: as follows:

Thursday 25th May in New Ross Pastoral Centre

Thursday 1st June in Clonard, Wexford

Tuesday 6th June in Pastoral Centre, Ferns.

ABORTION: Changing the Narrative – a Statement of the Catholic Bishops.

Five years on from the May 2018 referendum which removed the constitutional guarantee of the equal right to life of unborn children and their mothers, the Bishops of Ireland have issued a statement which also takes into account the recent review by Government of the abortion legislation introduced following the referendum. At that time the bishops said, “a new situation now exists in Ireland. It is essential for us as a Church, which cares passionately about the gift of life, and wants to support both mothers and their unborn children, to seek better ways of responding to this new and very challenging reality”. Today, bishops reaffirm the deep conviction of our faith, namely, that the dignity of every human life, from conception to natural death, is a value for the whole society, rooted in reason as well as in faith. No matter what legislation is passed, the fundamental right to life for all human beings at every stage of development still prevails. The bishops remain convinced that the relevant law, the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018 will, in due course, be repealed. In the meantime, the Church will continue to seek loving and supportive protection for every mother and for every child in the womb, including babies diagnosed with a disability or a life-limiting condition.

The bishops will continue to do their best to change the narrative through dialogue and by testifying, in season and out of season, to the Gospel of Life.

Copies of the Bishops’ Statement available in the Church Porch


The relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis Relic will be visiting St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh from Sunday 11th June until the morning of Tuesday, 13th June. On 10th October 2020 Pope Francis beatified 15-year-old Carlo who died in 2006 making the teenager the first of what we call the millennial generation to have been raised to the altar in this way.

Carlo loved football, video games and had a sweet tooth, especially for Italian ice cream! He was an amateur website builder and is most known for recording Eucharistic miracles from across the world on a website he built before passing away from leukaemia in 2006. He was known for his positive attitude, giftedness with computers, and intense devotion to the Eucharist, which became a recurring theme in his life.

One of his favourite expressions found in his notebook was Happiness is looking at God. Young people today can look up to him as a role model and source of inspiration and the Archdiocese of Armagh warmly invites them to visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral during the two day visit of the Relic in June.

Email at for inquiries or questions about this special visit.

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