Adamstown Parish Newsletter Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th February 2025 Volume 25. Number 7 _________________________________________________________________________…
15th October, 2023
Adamstown Parish Newsletter
Weekend of Sat 14th & Sun 15th October 2023
Volume 23. Number 38
The next draw in the Adamstown Lotto takes place this Monday 16th Oct in the Community Centre for a Jackpot of €15,000. Please leave books back in Cullen’s by 8pm on draw night. A sincere thanks for your continued support.
Calling all card players – the Card Game in the Adamstown Community centre will recommence on Thursday 26th October at 8.30pm. This is being organized by Kay Whelan, she hopes it will be a social occasion and a bit of enjoyment for people who have missed the card games since Covid began.
All card players welcome to come along.
Coláiste Abbáin is delighted to announce our 2023 Production of Aladdin under the direction of Ms. Fiona Quirke and Choreographers Ms. Condon & Ms Sinnott on 14th & 15th December 2023.
Former Principal of Coláiste Abbáin Senan Lillis is thrilled to be presenting his very own bi-lingual programme on South East Radio. Commencing on Sunday 29th Oct (7pm – 8.30pm). The Heather Blazing will bring you the best in Traditional Irish music and song. So, tune into South East Radio on 95.6 / 96.2 / 96.4 on Sunday nights.
Adamstown Guild held their monthly meeting on Tuesday 10th October in Coláiste Abbáin College with the kind permission of Principal John Nolan. Our President Helen Furlong welcomed all, and particularly our latest new member Annette Doran, having welcomed Cathy Wickham last month, it’s great to see young ladies joining our guild, with new ideas and enthusiasm, they are the life blood of any organisation. After a brief meeting to deal with ICA business we welcomed Crime Prevention Officer, Sergeant Eddie Wilde who showed us a series of slides & gave us invaluable information and tips on securing our properties to prevent us becoming victims of crime. It was a very reassuring talk; we become more vulnerable as we age and new scams are emerging every day, making it harder to know who to trust. A heartfelt thank you to Sgt Eddie for a very worthwhile talk & demonstration. A lovely tea was served by Mary J. Furlong & Eleanor Power, who stood in for Ann Stafford, greatly appreciated ladies. Competition for nicest bunch of Autumnal Leaves in a glass jar was won by Eileen Thorpe and the Raffle was won by Frances Gallagher and Callie Doyle. Next meeting Wednesday November 8th in the Community Centre. Don’t be shy ladies; come along for lots of fun and friendship.
The statue of Christ the Redeemer is a famous landmark that towers above the harbour city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The statue was designed as a worldwide symbol for peace, and took more than five years to construct. The idea behind the statue was first proposed in the mid 1850’s when Pedro Maria Boss – a Vincentian Priest – requested the finance to build a religious monument in the city. During that decade he suggested placing a Christian monument on the top of the 704-metre Mount Corcovado. However, it took more than 60 years for the idea to become a reality. In 1921, the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro again proposed that a statue of Christ be built on the summit of Corcovado because of its commanding height. A strong case was made that the statue would be visible from anywhere in Rio, and that the entire city could feel its ownership of it. They successfully appealed to the public for support and donations to have a landmark built that would represent the strength of religion in Brazil. The foundation stone of the base was ceremonially laid on April 4th, 1922.
The engineer was Brazilian Heitor da Silva and Brazilian artist Carlos Oswald is credited with the idea for the figures’s standing pose with arms spread wide. Construction began in 1926 and continued for five years. During this time materials and workers were transported to the summit via railway. Standing at a height of 38 metres, it was finally unveiled to the public in October 1931. Over the years it has undergone periodic repairs and renovations. In 2003 escalators and panoramic elevators were built, to allow people gain easier access to the viewing platform; previously, in order to reach the statue itself, tourists climbed more than 200 steps as the last stage of the trip. In October 2006, during the statues 75th anniversary, the Archbishop of Rio consecrated a chapel at the base of the statue, which enabled baptisms and weddings to be held there. In 2007, the statue received international acclaim when it was officially chosen as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. In Feb 2008 forceful lightning struck the monument causing damage to the fingers, eyebrows and head features of the statue. Work was undertaken to restore these and some of the soapstone was removed and replaced. The focus of the last restoration in 2010 was to maintain the interior of Christ the Redeemer. All the stone that was used in the restoration was taken from the quarry that the original pieces were from, while a lighting system was installed to light up the base of the monument.
On October 12th 2011, the statue of Christ the Redeemer turned 80 years old, and the anniversary was enthusiastically celebrated with concerts, exhibitions, religious services and social events. Replicas of the figure were taken to cities around the world including Buenos Aires, New York, Rome and Jerusalem.
(Cathal Coyle, Ireland’s Own)
Sat 14th – Willie & Hannah Coady, also Margaret Kehoe and Sonny Dunne, Oldcourt (A)
Sun 15th – Thomas (Cha) Sinnott, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
& Clonroche (A)
Sat 21st – Kathleen Rothwell, Groveside (A)
Also – Thomas & Elizabeth Walsh, Brocurra (A)
Sun 22nd – Bernard Doyle, Oldcourt (A)
Also Bud O’Neill, The Boola (A)
May they rest in peace.
Sat 14th – Eoghan Greene. Sun 15th – Ann Ryan
Sat 21st – Cáit Bradley. Sun 22nd – Neasa Cloney
Sat 28th – Liam Whelan Sun 29th – Kathleen O’Connor
Morning Mass each week day morning at 9.30am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday from 10.00am – 1.00pm.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Rita Power and family, The Leap on the death of her sister Mary Garvey, Patrickswell, Limerick who died on 6th October.
May she rest in peace.
The death occurred on Saturday 7th Oct of Mrs Mai Nolan, The Lane, Camross. We extend our deepest sympathy to her daughters Helen, Mary, Rita, Kay, sons Robert, Jay, extended family, neighbours and friends. Her funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Garvan’s Church, Caroreigh on Monday last followed by burial in Kilgarvan Cemetery.
May she rest in peace.
Congratulations to Bridget Bradley who celebrated her 93rd birthday recently and wishing her many more years of health & happiness.
Wishing Phil Jackman every good wish as he celebrates his 91st birthday this weekend and many more years of good health Phil from all the community.
Note – any chance of letting us know your secrets for a long and healthy life!!
Ecumenical Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Friday 20th October. Starts at 7.00pm. Bishop Ger Nash, Reverend Nicola Halford in St. Aidan’s Cathedral, Enniscorthy.
Refreshments afterwards in IFA Centre.
Adamstown Pharmacy are currently administering the 2023/2024 influenza vaccine and the updated Covid-19 vaccine. All persons looking to avail of vaccines should contact 053 9240460 or 053 9240454 or call in to Adamstown Pharmacy to arrange an appointment.
Church-charity Trócaire supported 1.58 million people in 23 countries in 2022/2023, according to its annual report, published on Monday 1st October.Caoimhe de Barra, Trócaire CEO, said the past year was dominated by hunger in the Horn of Africa, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a global cost-of-living crisis. “In the Horn of Africa, years of recurrent droughts fuelled by climate change, has caused extreme, life-threatening hunger for more than 20 million people” “At a health centre run by Trócaire in Gedo, Somalia, I spoke with a mother who had just arrived with a critically ill baby. The infant girl was given the very best of care by our health team. But she died within two days. I will never forget that mother’s grief”. “Unfortunately, this is just one tragic story of many in the past year from Somalia and the Horn of Africa”. Ms de Barra said that other challenges such as the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, and Cyclone Freddy in Malawi happened suddenly and with devastating human impact. “Despite all of the challenges presented in 2022/2023, Trócaire – with the support of donors such as Irish Aid and with the extraordinary generosity of the public in Ireland – worked with local partners to help change the lives of 1.58 million people in 23 countries. This is something we can all be proud of. Caomhe de Barra added that Trócaire also noted some great successes, including Ireland’s performance on the United Nations Security Council. (Chai Brady – Irish Catholic)
My life is a gift given, not in years, but a day at a time.
Today is the day the Lord has made for me,
And He planned it to be the most important day of my life.
Yesterday is gone, never to return.
I must not worry about it, but leave it in the hands of God.
Tomorrow and all it holds is God’s secret
And it’s coming is not assured; only today is mine.
Each day, arranged by God with infinite wisdom & goodness
is His gift, his act of love for me.
In thanksgiving, I will offer Him every day the gift of myself – my prayers, works, joys and sufferings.
Dear Lord, receive it graciously.
WORLD MISSION SUNDAY – 22nd October 2023
World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. It takes place in every single parish worldwide where the Church is present.
In Ireland, Missio Ireland is tasked with organising the Mission Sunday collection. Missio Ireland is the Pope’s official charity for overseas mission. All offerings made on behalf of World Mission Sunday become part of the Holy Father’s Universal Solidarity Fund. This Fund supports missionary activities in over 1,100 young dioceses, mostly in Africa, Asia & Latin America.
The Mission Sunday Collection will be taken up in the porch of St. Abban’s Church after Mass on Sat 21st & Sun 22nd.
The gift of Faith is a very precious gift. Our Missionaries have left homes and families to bring the gift to the four corners of the Earth. Those of us at home can support them by our prayers and generosity. Thank You.