Adamstown Parish Newsletter Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th February 2025 Volume 25. Number 7 _________________________________________________________________________…
8th October, 2023
Adamstown Parish Newsletter
Weekend of Sat 7th & Sun 7th October 2023
Volume 23. Number 37
The winning numbers in the Adamstown Lotto draw on
Monday 2nd Oct were: 9 – 10 – 22 – 29. There was no Jackpot winner and no match three winner including online players. The following were Lucky Dip winners and each received €50. Bernie Bradley, Eadaoin Stafford, Seamus McAweeney, Jim Gilcrest. The next draw is on Monday 16th October in the Community Centre for a Jackpot of €15,000.
Thanks for your continued support and please keep on buying the tickets – it could be your numbers next time.
Adamstown Pharmacy will commence administering the 2023/2024 influenza vaccine and the updated Covid-19
vaccine commencing the last week of September 2023.
All persons looking to avail of vaccines should contact
053 9240460 or 053 9240454 or call in to Adamstown Pharmacy to arrange an appointment.
A clothes collection will take place on Monday 9th October from 9.00am – 9.30am during the school drop off. The collection will take place either outside the Hall opposite the school or in the hall car park depending on the progress of the footpath. What’s accepted: Good condition and reusable clothing, paired shoes, handbags, belts, hats and scarves. No duvets, cushions, pillows, teddy bears or children’s toys please. All funds going to the school.
The Adamstown NS Parents Association AGM
The Annual General Meeting of the Parents Association was held on Tuesday 3rd Oct in the school. Thanks very much to Fr. Nolan and all the parents who attended the meeting. It was a very informative meeting and discussion was held around the activities and the many additions to the school over the past year. A new Committee was formed as follows:
Chairperson – Janita Smit; Secretary – Lisa Traynor,
Committee Members: Sharon Whelan, Elaine Stafford, Bridget Colfer, Lisa Egan, Lorraine Fortune, Susan O’Shea, Karen Monje, Yvonne English & Liz Moran. Welcome to the new committee members and thank you for putting your names forward. Margo O’Reilly, Annette Doran, Caroline English and Michelle Payne have stepped down from the committee and we would like to thank them for their time over past number of years.
The local I.C.A. Guild have organised The Crime Prevention Officer from Wexford Garda Station to give a talk on crime prevention on Tuesday night 10th October at 8.30pm in
Coláiste Abbain. This meeting is open to everyone, so please feel free to attend. All are most welcome.
A poem with a story by the famous Irish writer, William Butler Yeats, which many of us learned at school years ago.
William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, dramatist, writer and politician, born on June 13th 1865 in Dublin and died on Jan 28th 1939 in, France.
The Ballad of Father Gilligan
The old priest Peter Gilligan
Was weary night and day;
For half his flock were in their beds,
Or under green sods lay.
Once, while he nodded on a chair,
At the moth-hour of eve,
Another poor man sent for him,
And he began to grieve.
“I have no rest, nor joy, nor peace,
For people die and die”
And after cried he, “God forgive!
My body spake, not I!
He knelt, and leaning on the chair
He prayed and fell asleep;
And the moth-hour went from the fields,
And stars began to peep.
They slowly into millions grew,
And leaves shook in the wind;
And God covered the world with shade,
And whispered to mankind.
Upon the time of sparrow-chirp
When the moths came once more.
The old priest Peter Gilligan
Stood upright on the floor.
“Mavrone, mavrone! The man has died
While I slept on the chair”
He roused his horse out of its sleep
And rode with little care.
He rode now as he never rode,
By rocky lane and fen;
The sick man’s wife opened the door
“Father! You come again”
“And is the poor man dead? He cried”
“He died an hour ago”
The old priest Peter Gilligan
In grief swayed to and fro.
“When you were gone, he turned and died
As merry as a bird”
The old priest Peter Gilligan,
He knelt Him at that word.
“He who hath made the night of stars
For souls who tire and bleed,
Sent one of His great angels down
To help me in my need.
“He who is wrapped in purple robes,
With planets in His care,
Had pity on the least of things
Asleep upon a chair/”
Sat 7th – John, Mosey & Diza McCabe, Ballyvergin (A)
Also Mary Whelan, Junior, Kellystown (Month’s Mind)
Sun 8th – People of the Parish
Sat 14th – Willie & Hannah Coady, Margaret Kehoe &
Sonny Dunne, Oldcourt (A)
Sun 15th – Thomas (Cha) Sinnott, Dungarvan, Waterford & Clonroche (A)
May they rest in peace.
Sat 7th – Family Mass. Sun 8th – Kay Whelan
Sat 14th – Eoghan Greene. Sun 15th – Ann Ryan
Sat 21st – Cáit Bradley. Sun 22nd – Neasa Cloney
Sat 28th – Liam Whelan Sun 29th – Kathleen O’Connor
Morning Mass each week day morning at 9.30am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday from 10.00am – 1.00pm.
Feast Days this week:
Mon 9th – St. John Henry Newman was beatified by Pope Benedict XV1on 19th Sept 2010, and canonised 13th Oct 2019. The memorial of the new saint is Oct 9th, the anniversary of his reception into the Catholic Church on 9th Oct 1845.
1) The next meeting of the Prayer Group will take place this Sunday night (8th) at 8pm. in St. Abban’s Church, Adamstown. Our guest will be Marie Tiarnaigh who will talk about the meaning of religious icons. All are very welcome and we look forward to seeing you.
2) Carmelite Secular Order
An OPEN meeting of the Carmelite Secular Order will take place on Wednesday Oct 18th at 11.30am in the Mount Carmel Convent, New Ross. The meeting lasts one hour so please free to come along if you would like to know more about it. For further information contact 087 2598159
The Diocese of Ferns is developing openings for new lay volunteer ministries in the Diocese. Training programmes will begin soon. These new ministries, open to women and men, will be of interest to those already involved or those wishing to be more involved in the life of their local Church community. They will involve lay people working side by side with priests in key ministries in parishes and pastoral areas.
You are invited to attend one of the following information Sessions on Lay Ministry.
Monday 9th Oct – New Ross Pastoral Centre at 7.30pm.
Parish Cell Prayer Group meet every Monday night at 7.30pm at Anthony McGee’s house, The Leap Y21C C04
All are welcome.
After 250 years, the Presentation Sisters are leaving Wexford town. It is an historic moment that marks the end of a long chapter that began with the arrival of the Sisters in 1818. In that time, the Presentation Sisters have dedicated themselves to the education of both boys and girls of the town and surrounding district. To mark their departure, there will be a Mass of Thanksgiving, presided by Bishop Ger on Friday 13th October at 5.45pm in Rowe St followed by refreshments served afterwards in the Presentation School. All are welcome. All priests of the diocese are welcome to come and concelebrate. Wexford parish encourages our parishioners, past pupils from across the diocese and former teachers to come along and join us to pray in thanksgiving on the evening. It will also be an occasion to celebrate the seeds sown by the Sisters that still grow in the ethos of the Presentation School and good carried forward. While there is sadness at the end of an era, we still look forward in hope and thank the Sisters for their loyal dedication to the people of Wexford for over two centuries.
We pray for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at ever level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.
Death: Harvest time of the Spirit
On an Autumn day
I took up a handful of grain and let it slip through my fingers,
and I said to myself. This is what it is all about.
There is no longer any room for pretence,
At harvest time the essence is revealed
The straw and chaff are set aside,
they have done their job.
The grain alone matters, sacks of pure gold.
So it is when a person dies the essence of their life is revealed.
At the moment of death a person’s character stands out.
Happy for the person who has forged it well over the years.
Then it will not be the great achievements that matter
Not how much money or possessions a person has amassed.
These, like the straw and the chaff, will be left behind.
It is what he has made of himself that will matter.
Death can take away from us what we have,
But it cannot rob us of what we are.
We are children of our heavenly Father.
And Co-heirs with Christ to the Kingdom of Heaven.