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26th May, 2024

Adamstown Parish Newsletter

Sat 25th & Sun 26th May 2024

Volume 24.  Number 21



The next draw in the Adamstown Lotto takes place this Monday 27th May in the Community Centre for a new Jackpof of €2,000. Please leave books back in Cullen’s shop by 8pm on draw night. Keep on buying the tickets and helping local clubs and parish.


What a win for our 1st/2nd year hurlers this week in Wexford Park against a very strong Bridgetown College.

Our lads won 3-15 to 3-14 to claim the Division 2 Wexford

Schools Hurling Title. A special mention to Darragh Kavanagh and Johnny Foley who captained the team and showed true leadership throughout . Well done lads, what a way to finish the year!!

A massive congratulations to our ultra talented 1st year Aoife White Banville on achieving the following results in the County Fleadh last weekend. We wish you every success at the Leinsters in July Aoife. 1st singing English Ladies;

1st Button Accordion. 2nd Flute and 2nd Duet 12 – 15.

A huge well done to our Fourth Year Students who received the EirGrid ‘Sustainability For Our Planet Award’ at the Young Social Innovators of the Year Awards at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin recently. Impressing the judges with their project entitled ‘Slow Fashion’ determining to curb fast fashion consumption among young students and help educate them about the harmful environmental impacts.

Over 35 teams, made up of 300 students from secondary schools across Ireland took part in the competition. This was shortlisted to 17 overall and individual category winners.

Well done students and teachers.


Congratulations to one of our own underage stars – Sean  Galway on his selection to represent his country in the SFAI tournament in June. What a great achievement it is for Sean and his family to get this honour and it is a testament to the hard work and dedication he has shown in recent years.

Best of luck, Sean, enjoy the experience.

Congratulations also to the Wexford Intermediate Ladies Football team who won the Leinster TG4 Final last weekend when they defeated Westmeath by a single point. Well done to Lizzy & local ladies Katie, Isobelle & Niamh.


The Thursday night Card Game continues in the CommunityCentre every week at 8.30pm.  Winners on Thursday 23rd were: Johnny Nolan, Seamus Joyce, Matty Sullivan, Pat Murphy, Micksey & Breda Bolger, MIchael McLoughlin, Josie Doyle.


“That you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”, the Joni Mitchell song mused back in the 1970’s. The line comes to mind when I contemplate how the birds have become a bit quieter in the mornings. One of nature’s great gifts to us has been the dawn chorus, when the birds sing their little hearts out, not especially for our benefit, but we’re the ones who get to hear avian symphony as we open our eyes or window in the morning or step outside into a new day. How sad, then, to notice, and have it confirmed by birdwatchers, that nature’s choir has become depleted, with fewer of our feathered friends available these days to entertain. So, although we still hear them, there’s less of the goldfinch’s quiet song, the bullfinch’s whistling note, the high-pitched song of the goldcrest or the greenfinch’s exuberant whistle.

The loud shrill of the wren and the blackbird’s soft tweeting are less audible too, and you wonder if the robin’s melancholy song has a deeper sadness to it for the times that are in it. It seems that climate change and habitat loss  are putting a dampener on a daily melodic treat.

Another factor is the prevalence of a certain kind of shooter, the one who likes to target song-birds. Over the years, I’ve seen the lead-peppered carcasses of birds in the fields, ditches and along roadsides. Little lives quelled for a cheap thrill. Whether it’s climate change or gunshot that kills a singer, man is the culprit. Will we allow a cherished wonder of the natural world to become just a distant memory?

The demise of the dawn chorus would be, to quote another song “the day the music died”.

(John Fitzgerald, Callan, Co. Kilkenny –

 Letter’s Page Sunday Independent)


Silvertones, an Enniscorthy based mixed choir will hold their Annual Bealtaine Concert in St. Aidan’s Cathedral, Enniscorthy next Thursday night May 30th at 8pm.

Silvertones are from all corners of Wexford from Gorey to Rosslare & in between, you have to be 55 years young, or over to join and be able to sing of course!. The Bealtaine Concert usually signifies the summer break, but this year we have been asked to sing in Pairc Garman at the Relay For Life Concert on June 29th at 8.30pm. Our Concert next Thursday features guest singers & musicians and we love to see the audience join in for the finale! It’s a great night’s entertainment, all for €15, tickets available on the door & all proceeds going to the Hope Centre, Enniscorthy & Relay for Life,  Wexford. Three choir members are from Adamstown & one from Clonroche & we would love to see you there on the night, you won’t be disappointed!



Sat 25th – Tommy & Bernie Whitty, Oldcourt (A)

Sun 26th – Francis Furlong, Misterin (A)

Also –        Ned Buckley, Brocurra (A)

Sat 1st June – Willie Mooore, Oldcourt (A)

Also           Bena Barron, The Leap 9A)

Sun 2nd – Liam O’Brien, Rathkyle (A)

Pray for Ellen Connors, The Hill (A)

Pray for Mary Kate Galway, Tomgarrow (A)

May they rest in peace.


Sat 26th – Cáit Bradley..   Sun 27th – Callie Doyle.

Sat 2nd June – Liam Whelan.  Sun 3rd – Betty O’Shea

Mass each week day morning at 9.30am.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday

from 10.00am – 1.00pm.


The Rosary will be recited at Knockreigh Grotto at 8pm Monday 27th – Friday 31st May finishing up the weekly custom for May.  Thanks to all who were there for this lovely tradition in our Parish.


The monthly Online Quiz to support Mary’s Meals takes place next Friday (31st) at 8pm. To enter (for FREE) go to and enter code for this month which is

880774. It’s fun and you’re not visible on the screen. €2 feeds a child for almost a month of school days. We’ve just taken on a school in Zambia with 273 pupils.

To donate go to . Thank you.

IT HAPPENED IN MAY – 31st May 1941

Several German aircraft were spotted circling over  Dublin, apparently lost. Shortly afterwards, bombs fell in the north Dublin areas of Summerhill, Ballybough and the Phoenix Park, with a fourth bomb hitting the North Strand area, killing twenty-two people. Germany eventually admitted responsibility and paid compensation.

(Pioneer Magazine)


All the races and tribes in the world are like the different coloured flowers in one meadow. All are beautiful. As children of the Creator they must all be respected.


God our Father, thank you for your love and care today.

Thank you for my family and the friends you give to  me.

Thank you that I have done some good today.

Forgive any  faults and failings, and let those who are ill know your care.

Guard me in the dark of night, and in the morning send your light. Amen.


The Irish Civil War commenced on June 28th 1922.

Brother against brother and father against son.

On April 10th 1923 Liam Lynch, Chief of Staff of the IRA

and his fellow rebels were surrounded by The Free State forces in the Knockmealdown Mountains. He

was mortally wounded and passed away in Clonmel Hospital. He was  buried in Fermoy. He stayed overnight in Nolans of Bahanna shortly before his untimely death.

Frank Aiken, who later became Tanaiste, succeeded his friend as Chief of Staff and brought hostilities to an end on April 30th, 1923.

The ceasefire and dumping of arms came on May, 24th, 1923, effectively ending the Civil War. Between 1500 and 1700 people died during that time, including 300 – 400 civilians.

May they rest in peace.


Calling on all volunteers who enjoy the ‘craic agus ceol’, why not register to help out at the upcoming Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann  2024  which will be held  from 4th – 11th August in Wexford town. You can choose from various roles, which can be found on the website

Any queries please email 

 or phone 053-919 6000.


We are holding a Clothes Collection on 4th June 9.00am – 9,30am. Drop off  in the car park opposite school.

All proceeds go to the Parents’ Association Fund.


Cecil  Day Lewis wrote a very poignant poem called Walking Away. He recalled the day when his seven-year-old son played his first football match. After the game the boy drifted away to follow his pals. The sensitive eye of the poet saw this as the first indication that his son would develop his selfhood and the parent would have to let him walk away. The last three lines of the poem describe how this first parting was…

Saying what God alone could perfectly show

How selfhood begins with a walking away

And love is proved in the letting go.

The pattern is repeated in every parent-child relationship: when to hold on, when to let go: when to permit and when to forbid; when to insist and when to back down; when to refuse and when to consent. Even the apostles had to learn when to let go of the physical presence of Jesus. But it was then that their new selfhood as the Church came to birth in their transformation by the Spirit of Pentecost.


This Saturday night we remember the first Saturday night Mass celebrated in St. Abban’s Church forty years ago.

We remember all our deceased family and friends who came to the celebration of  Mass  over the years. 

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