Adamstown Parish Newsletter Sat 7th & Sun 8th December 2024 Volume 24 Number 49 _________________________________________________________________…
May 23rd, 2021
Adamstown Parish Newsletter
Weekend of Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd May 2021
Volume 22. Number 19
Adamstown Camogie Club would love for you to come and
join our Under-12 Team. We can guarantee loads of fun and plenty of laughs. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Stephen at 087 – 6935601and join us on the new Astroturf Pitch. We will be training Wednesday nights from 7pm – 8pm.
LOOKING BACK – Tuesday 27th December 1938
The following items purchased in local shop:
10 Woodbines 4 pence
1/4 lb Sweets 3 pence
Loaf of Bread 6 pence
1lb Soap 6 pence
4 Candles 4 pence
1lb Butter 1 shilling 7pence
1lb Breadsoda 2 pence
1 Pk Safety pins 1 penny
1 st Flour 1 shilling 4 pence
1lb Dripping 9 pence
Castor Oil 2 pence
Matches 2 pence
Newspaper 2 pence.
April 27th 1927
To reseed field in Doononey:
6 & half stone Perreniel £1 – 7 – 8
6 & half stone Italian ryegrass £1- 2 – 9
1 St Red Clover 15 shillings
1/4 st.Timoty Grass 3 shillings 3pence
1/4 st. Alsike 3 shillings 6 pence
1/4 st. Cocksfoot grass 3 shllings 10 pence
Total Paid £3 – 16 – 0
The above was kindly given to us by Pat Delaney, Brocurra.
Approaching hot on the heels of the daffodil’s demise, few vistas portrayed by pageant of an Irish springtime offer so much as the bluebell woods in May. The blue-mauve haze on the softly swaying flower carpet proclaims its annual magical promise from within a habitat of naturally ancient deciduous woodland. The spectacle of shafts of sunlight falling on the dappled blue forest floor is something truly stunning and it generates an air of enchantment to otherwise commonplace wooded areas. The plant was in much demand during the Tudor period for its abundance of viscid juice, which could be used as a starch substitute; it became the ideal treatment for the stiff ruffs, which were then put to such wide use. The gummy properties of the plant also made it useful as bookmaker’s gum, and as lightweight glue for sticking paper. It was also used in the setting of feathers on arrows. Bluebell juice was also used to cure snakebite, and the treatment of leprosy and the production of a wide variety of alkaloids, it is thought that the plant has little use in medicine today. Despite the huge extent of bluebell-covered floors, it has a short season of around eight weeks. While the bluebell is quite common throughout the British Isles and Western Europe, it is under threat globally. We hold 30% of the world’s population but due to the annual decline, this does make the Irish bluebell population of significant importance. Cultivating bulbs from seed is a long and painstaking task. It takes up to six years to produce a bulb from seed and only then is the bulb able to produce flowers and seed of its own. The species is comparatively rare in mainland Europe, being commonly found only in certain areas between Spain and Italy. There is no national panic with the bluebell’s situation – yet, but if we don’t improve on 30%, what exactly will be the long-term future of the plant?
(Mike Webster – Ireland’s Own)
People are an interesting but puzzling part of God’s creation.
They come in all sizes, shapes and personalities. Some are approachable, warm and friendly; others are aloof, cold and hostile. Some are modern, alert and enthusiastic; others are old-fashioned, slow-moving or dull. Some are good-humoured, kind and patient; others are arbitrary, and unjust. Some are open to new ideas and ways of doing things; others are closed-minded or set in their ways. Some can see your point of view even when they disagree; others insist that you are wrong, when you are right. Some challenge, encourage and inspire you; others deter, discourage and dismay you. Some lead and guide you like a human being; others drive and force you like an animal. Some know your defects, but focus on your good points. Others see your faults, but are blind to your virtues. Some always have time to lend a helping hand; others are way too busy to do you a favour. Some you will remember forever with gratitude; others you will forget as soon as possible. There are all kinds of people in the world, yet human beings are not hermits by nature and must live together. Good human relations, therefore, are a necessity if harmony is to prevail among us all.
(Mirrors of the Heart – Pioneer Magazine)
MABS (money advice) 0761072780
Threshold (tenant’s advice) 1800 454454
Alone 0818 222024
Senior Line (Older Person’s Helpline) 1800 804591
It’s Good 2 Talk 053 912 6596
GROW (General Mental Health Problems) 056 776 1624
Pieta House (Suicide & Self Harm) 1800 247 247
Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1800 804 848
Teen-Line Ireland (Ages 13-19) 1800 833 634
Samaritans 116 123
Samaritans email: 1800 666 666
Caredoc – 059 913 800
Sat 22nd – Paddy Foley, The Leap (A)
Sun 23rd – Michael Delaney, Brocurra (A)
Sat 29th – People of the Parish
Sun 30th – Francis Furlong, Misterin (A)
Pray for Patrick Kiely, Glenour (A)
Pray for: Christopher Eustace, Carrigbyrne Michael Booth
Nicholas & Catherine O’Neill, Misterin, Shane O’Neill, Carrigbyrne. Maureen O’ Donoghue, Athlone.
Michael & Maura Hanley, Ballylanders, Limerick.
Jack Hanley, Ballylanders, Limerick (A)
Mary Kate Galway, Tomgarrow (A)
May they rest in peace.
Feast Days this week.
Sun 23rd – Pentecost Sunday
Sun 30th – The Most Holy Trinity.
The Holy Trinity: At the Last Supper Christ explained to the Apostles that he could not teach them everything because they were not, during his lifetime, sufficiently receptive.
The Holy Spirit will be charged with continuing Christ’s work for all the days of the future Church.
May their memory be a blessing
A Jewish death notice might have after the person’s name: z’I. In a way it is like ‘the late N., RIP – a prayer for the dead. The acronym recalls Proverbs 10:7, the memory of the righteous is a blessing. The Hebrew zikhrono/Zikhronah livrakha is translated,
May his/her memory be a blessing. We pray for our departed and that our remembering them may be a blessing.
On hearing of the death of someone, a Jew prays ‘Blessed be the True Judge,’ an acceptance of God’s will. The body is placed on the floor, washed, usually, by members of the ‘Holy Society’, a burial society, and clothed in a white linen shroud. Men are also buried with their tallith, prayer shawl, with the tassels cut off. The simple coffin is closed and the dead are never left alone. Psalms and prayers are said in the synagogue or funeral home and at the graveside. There are no flowers or music.
Traditionally, according to the Torah (Lev 10:4: Deut 21:23) burial takes place before sundown on the day of death. Close family wear a torn ribbon pinned to their clothes or even have their shirt torn to signify their grief. Shiva or seven days of mourning are observed after the funeral (Intercom – May 2021)
Holy Mary, hear our prayer
Keep us in you loving care
Whatever the perils of the way
Let us not add to them this day
So to our caution and attention
We add a prayer for your protection
And beg God’s blessing on this car
To travel safely near and far.
On 30th January 2000 the priests of the diocese of Ferns
assembled at the Cathedral in Enniscorthy to celebrate fourteen hundred years of Catholic Faith in the ancient diocese founded by St Aidan.
The exact date of St. Aidan’s arrival has not been determined, but the year 598 has been suggested as the most likely. Initially, it had been intended to celebrate this occasion in 1998, but due to the many functions held in that year, throughout the Co. Wexford, to commemorate the events of the Rebellion of 1798, and because of the proximity of the great Jubilee of the year 2000, it was decided to postpone the diocesan celebration.
The boat in the Ferns Centenary Logo above represents the Church, while the death of Christ is represented by the Cross. The wind-filled sail represents the Holy Spirit.
The sea can symbolise a force either evil or good encountered by the Church on its pilgrim way. The water, too, signifies Baptism and salvation. The figure 4 in the date represents both the Cross and the Holy Spirit, the Dove.
The commemorative event, which took place on St. Aidan’s Day 2000, consisted in a solemn Mass of thanksgiving led by Most Rev. Brendan Comiskey in which most of the priests of the diocese concelebrated. One of the highlights of the occasion was the ordination, during the Mass, of the first priest, Rev. Trevor Foley, and the first deacon, Rev. Thomas Orr, for the Diocese of Ferns in the new millennium. The clergy and the Bishop afterwards assembled for a meal at the Riverside Park Hotel in Enniscorthy and a stole embroidered with the centenary logo, was presented to each priest as a souvenir of the occasion.
(Taken from The Secular Priests of the Diocese of Ferns by Canon John V. Gahan)
Life is too short and precious to waste. It is wrought with too many possibilities for accomplishments and happiness to fling away. We must not squander ourselves on the frustrating dissipations of cynicism, hate, envy, retaliation, faultfinding, pessimism, gossip, idleness, doubt.
So far, so good. No one would disagree. To make life count is the goal of every normal being. But count for what?
To truly count, a life must get outside itself – into the lives of others; get beyond itself – into the hands of God.
I will not just live my life.
I will not just spend my life.
I will invest my life.
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)