Adamstown Parish Newsletter Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th February 2025 Volume 25. Number 7 _________________________________________________________________________…
June 13th, 2021
Adamstown Parish Newsletter
Weekend of Sat 12th & Sun 13th June 2021
Volume 22. Number 22
Adamstown Pharmacy will be commencing Covid-19 clinics in June 2021.
For people over the age of 50 years old and who have not yet been vaccinated Adamstown Pharmacy will be administering the Johnson and Johnson one dose Covid-19 Vaccine.
For further information please contact 053 9240460
053 9240454. or email
Adamstown Tidy Towns have decided to enter the Supervalu Tidy Towns Competition this year.
We are looking for volunteers on Sunday 13th June from 6pm – 7pm weather allowing. Everything will be supplied.
All outdoors, so plenty of room for social distancing.
Meeting at Cullen’s Gala car park. For more information please contact Lorna at 087 7631442.
On Friday June 11th, Pope Francis announced the appointment of Fr. Ger Nash as the new Bishop of Ferns.
We welcome the new Bishop and we pray that the Good Shepherd may guide him in searching for the lost sheep, the poor and the lame.
Davy Fitzgerald has won a special place in the hearts of Wexford people and we believe that Fr. Ger who is a native to Tulla, Co. Clare will also find a Céad Míle Fáilte in Ferns Diocese.
We wish Bishop Denis rest from his labours and thank him for his years of service in the Vineyard of the Lord in the Diocese of Ferns.
Moladh go deo le Diá.
AITECE offers those looking for a life-changing break an opportunity to share their English language skills with students while getting to know China.
Skills needed: Competence to teach third level English language. A degree or teaching diploma. A TEFL diploma is a decided help and essential for those without teaching experience. A fluent speaker of English with clear enunciation and a lively teaching style.
Other valued subject are: Journalism, Law, Engineering, Import & Export Trade, Computer Science, Biology, Pharmacy and Costume Design.
Accommodation on campus is usually provided free to teachers. The salary is adequate for the needs of a simple lifestyle. Upper age limit for candidates is 65.
For further information: Telephone Hugh; (083) 149 9533
Or (01) 628 6036. Email:
On 15th May 2009, the Opening and Blessing of the Garden of Remembrance in Coláiste Abbáin took place. Staff and students gathered together as a school community to remember and pray for the deceased past members of our community. Today we remember 3 teachers and 41 students who sadly are no longer with us.
This Garden represents the following:
The place was selected for its central location, a spot where we all pass every day, if you like; it’s the heart of our school.
We placed a water fountain – a symbol of rebirth and resurrection. Water cleanses and refreshes us and we pray that God, through this water of life, will heal the broken hearted.
We placed a garden seat – a symbol of relaxation and reflection here, so that we may take time to pray and think of this fast moving world.
We placed willow fencing – the willow is one of the few trees that can bend in many ways without snapping, adjusting with life rather than fighting it. Further testimony to its adaptability, is the willow’s ability to not only survive, but also thrive in some of the most challenging conditions. In all, the willow reminds us to keep growing and reaching higher, no matter where we are in life.
We decided to use pebble and stone in our garden, a symbol of nature’s ability to be moulded and be beautiful, and a symbol of strength.
We have sown plants and flowers to show nature’s cycle from Spring to Winter, a cycle of life and rebirth.
Today, we have candles lighting in memory of our loved ones. Lord, may these candles be a light from you to enlighten us in our difficulties and decisions. May it be a fire from you to burn up all our pride, selfishness and impurities. May it be a flame from you to bring warmth into our hearts.
Lord, as we reflect on these candles for our loved ones we remember your words “I have called you by your name, you are mine”. Today we place in your care all those we pray for this afternoon.
For Absent Friends:
Our lives are marked forever by those we meet on life’s journey; the friendships we make, the love we experience, the reconciliations and the quarrels. We will remember the friendships, the times of growth, the fun, the laughter, the jokes we played on each other. Friendship causes the greatest joy in our lives but sadly too, when we have to say farewell, it causes the greatest pain. Today let us remember the best of our absent friends and say thanks from our hearts for having known them.
Congratulations to Sam Murphy, Misterin who was awarded ‘Student of the Year’ for 2021 at the recent awards in Coláiste Abbáin.
Sat 12th June – Bena Barron, The Leap (A)
also Maura Kelly, Tomgarrow (A)
Sun 13th – Liam O’Brien, Rathkyle (A)
May they rest in peace.
Feast Day this Week:
Sunday 13th – St. Anthony of Padua
Due to the fact that St. Anthony’s feast day falls on Sunday, it is not being celebrated this Sunday. St. Anthony was born in Lisbon, Portugal he was a Catholic priest and friar of the Franciscan Order. Noted by his contemporaries for his powerful preaching, expert knowledge of scripture and undying love and devotion to the poor and the sick, he was one of the most quickly canonized saints in church history.
Born on 15th August 1195, he died on 13th June 1231 aged 35 years. He was Canonized on 30th May 1232 in Spoleto, Italy by Pope Gregory IX. He is the patron saint of lost items.
The Adamstown Prayer Group will return this Sunday June 13th at 7pm. All are welcome. Usual social distancing.
We look forward to seeing you.
The final amount of contributions to the Trócaire 2021 Lenten Appeal is now €1626.00. A total of 36 boxes/envelopes were returned. One country being helped this year by the Trócaire Appeal is South Sudan, Sr. Margo Delaney spent some time there working with families struggling to survive through war and violence. We also remember Sr. Helen’s work in Uganda and the generosity of all those involved in the many Harvest Festivals in Adamstown in helping her to help others. In giving to Trócaire we share our lives and our gifts with those who struggle to survive every day in conditions we could not even imagine.
The recent works carried out to the Tower of St. Abban’s Church were absolutely essential as the structure was in a dangerous condition, with the timbers in a very bad state of rot. Photographs taken by Ger Breen show clearly how bad the tower was, copies of the many photographs taken during the works, are being printed at the moment and will be displayed in the Church porch soon.
The total cost of the work amounted to approx €52,000
Thanks to the generosity of many parishioners over the past number of years, the Parish Committee had the funds in hand to cover this cost. Unfortunately this leaves the Parish finances in a much-depleted state.
If you would like to make a donation to St. Abban’s Church,
You may use 365 Banking to the following;
Adamstown Parochial A/C Current Account
IBAN: IE04 BOFI 9066 6276 8462 48
IN PRAISE OF TEA! (Author unknown)
A busy day with things to do and people I must see
And yet somehow I find the time for one more cup of tea.
And if the day is a dreary one, no bright or cheery news.
A biscuit and a cup of tea will chase away the blues.
Through happy times and troubled times
In laughter and in tears,
We put the kettle on once more and share a cup that cheers.
(Kevin O’ Callaghan – Pioneer Magazine)
We could all do with a little bit of serenity to still life’s troubled waters. As we begin to exit more than a year of lockdowns, it has become clear that we are unaccustomed to the restrictions imposed on us for the good of ourselves and others. We are social creatures and, when the normal pre-Covid socialisation was snatched away, many of us became all the poorer in mind, body and soul. The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled was replaced with a loss of purpose, sadness, enduring loneliness, fear and frustration, irrespective of age, gender or status of the sufferer. Covid had bound us up and backed us into lonely corners from where we clawed and kicked unsuccessfully to escape for so long. If only there was a prayer befitting the moments when we are overwhelmed with feelings of powerlessness? It was then I discovered the Serenity Prayer.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things
I cannot change;
Courage to change
the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the
pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it
is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make things right
if I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy
in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.
I think that when the dust settles,
We will realize how little we need,
How much we actually have
And the true value of human connection.
We send our congratulations to Finbar Bradley, Barrack’s Rd, and Lisa Walker, Wexford who celebrated their Nuptial Mass in Crossabeg Church on Friday; the celebrant was Fr. Aodhán Markam, P.P. Piercestown. We wish them every happiness and good wish for their future together.