Adamstown Parish Newsletter Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th February 2025 Volume 25. Number 7 _________________________________________________________________________…
29th October, 2023
Adamstown Parish Newsletter
Weekend of Sat 28th & Sun 29th Oct 2023
Volume 23. Number 40
The next draw in the Adamstown Lotto takes place this Tuesday, October 31st in the Community Centre for a Jackpot of €15,000.
Adamstown Lotto “Halloween Special”
The next draw on 31st October will share €1000 between all match three winners if the Jackpot is not won on the night, and is a once off special and a thank you to our loyal supporters. When this present €15,000 Jackpot is won, new Jackpot is worth €7,300 at the moment and will go up another €200 every draw until the €15,000 is won.
Calling all card players – the Card Game in Adamstown Community centre re-commenced on Thursday night last, all the card players were delighted to be back again for a catch up with old friends & some new players and of course a great game of cards. Winners on the night were: Mick Finn, Tom Wickham, Micksie & Breda Bolger, Seamus Joyce, Johnny Nolan, Phil Jackman & Tom Rochford. It was lovely to see all the familiar faces again & a particular mention to the over 90’s club – Matt & Phil, still hale & hearty. The weekly game will continue every Thursday night at 8.30 in Adamstown Community Centre.
All card players welcome.
A huge congratulations to the Adamstown Ladies Camogie team who won the Junior ‘D’ County Final on Sunday last when they defeated Glynn/Barntown 3-12 to 0-7 in Tagoat.
This was the icing on the cake for the ladies having won the League Final in the summer and will they will move up a level.
The team was as follows: Joanne Kavanagh, Sandra White, Cora Flood, Ella English, Áine Shannon, Katie Kelly, Róisin Barden (0-2); Elaine Dunleavy, Niamh Kelly (0-1); Cathy O’Brien (0-1); Caoimhe Curtis (1-1); Tara Culleton (1-6); Jenny McGuiness (1-1). Subs: Liz Moran, Samantha McDonald, Geraldine O’Shea, Fiona Furlong, Mairead Boyle, Roisin O’Neill, Grace Murphy, Muireann Stafford, Nicola Dunphy, Emma Murphy, Sinéad Flynn, Méadbh Wickham.
Well done also to Deirdre, Jimmy & John and all involved with the ladies.
Adamstown ICA are holding their Annual Sponsored Walk this Sunday October 29th in aid of our Senior Citizen’s Annual Christmas Party. Meeting at the Community Centre at 2pm., refreshments will be provided. Please donate generously to our fundraiser, all are welcome to participate.
Next monthly I.C.A. meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 8th at 8pm. New members are always welcome to come along & see what we are about.
Don’t forget to put the clock back!!
You may often tell yourself, surely what I do or how I feel cannot effect others. My life and death is as significant as the birds of the air or the lilies of the field or indeed any form of life. After all, who will remember me in a hundred years time? I will not bequeath any great work of literature, music or any art to the world for future generations to admire or debate. My sporting achievements will only ever be remembered by myself. My name has never appeared in the newspapers nor has my face ever been seen on television.
I am one of the ‘herd’, the ‘faceless’ masses who, it has been said, live out their lives ‘in quiet desperation.’ I have not invented anything or won any awards or distinctions. I have lived a life, I have walked the earth, and I will, God sparing, live the allotted Biblical span of three score and ten years.
But what importance is all this? There are billions of people on this planet so what difference does my life make to those who crossed the path of my life? I rationalise that I have been an honest citizen, a faithful member of my church and have contributed positively to the stability of my community.
I have never broken the laws of society and maintained a sort of social anonymity. But the doubt remains. Have I just been a face in the crowd? Does my life mean nothing more than that? It is difficult to understand how our existence can affect others. But my faith tells me that I should not doubt, that my life has meant something. I have made my contribution, however small or insignificant it may appear.
I have been a spiritual stone in the building up of the body of Christ.
St. Paul reminds us all that ‘The life and death of each of us has its influence on others’..(Rm 14:7-9)
My prayer is that, on balance, my life influenced others for good.
(E. Chandler – St. Martin’s Magazine)
HALLOWEEN – 31st Oct (Celtic Folk Customs – Brian Day)
After sunset today began the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, summer’s end or the feast to the dying sun, and the last day of the Celtic Year. This quarter day also combined the functions of Harvest Festival and the Festival of the Dead. As the leaves fell, annual growth decayed, the sun’s strength waned and the nights drew in, the Celts prepared for winter and for the sun to rise next morning. Bonfires were lit. House fires extinguished, to be rekindled later to welcome the returning of the souls of the dead, along with offerings of food. At Beltane in the spring the cycle of life would begin again. The end of year feasting was tempered by fears of, and preparations for, incursions by evil spirits, witches and faeries. Rowan wood was thought to give protection from witches. The harvested crops were already under cover, but animals too were brought in and saining of the farm was done by fire. Crosses were put up to protect family and livestock from all malevolence for a year.
Sat 28th – Tom Furlong (Junior) Castlelodge (A)
Sun 29th – Patrick, Kathleen Murphy & deceased members of the Murphy family, Kilrane & Coolnagree, also
Babs Carr (A)
Sat 4th Nov – Denis & Elizabeth Cummins, Raheenduff (A)
Sun 5th – People of the Parish.
Pray for Mary Ann Nolan, Quay Street, New Ross also her sister Annie Handrick, New Ross (A)
Pray for Fr. William O’Neill (A)
Pray for Bríd Ryan, Nash, Gussrane (A)
May they rest in peace.
Mass Bank Holiday Monday 30th Oct at 11.00am.
Wed 1st November – Feast of All Saints –
Vigil Mass Tuesday 31st October at 7.30pm.
Mass Wednesday Nov 1st at 10.30am.
Thursday 2nd Nov – Feast of All Souls
First Saturday 4th November Mass at 9.30am.
Visitation of the sick and housebound on Friday 4th & Saturday 5th November
Sat 28th – Liam Whelan Sun 29th – Kathleen O’Connor
Sat 4th – Annette English
Sun 5th – Tosia & Amelia Swierczynska
Mass Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 9.30am.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday from 10.00am – 1.00pm.
Thanks to the ladies from Misterin for looking after the Church & Altars for the month of October, it is now the turn of parishioners from Tomgarrow for the month of November.
St. John’s Community Hospital, Enniscorthy will celebrate Mass of Remembrance on Tuesday 7th November at 7pm in St. Senan’s Church, Templeshannon, Enniscorthy.
Join us in remembering with love deceased members of our community. All welcome.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY – As the Clocks Go Back
Midnight; half-moon, a hosting of the stars; I turned the clocks back an hour, signalling winter. I had watched the dying sun light up the yellow leaves of the dreaming maple and knew again a yearning for the small wonders. The mare’s-tail persists, and the rushes still thrust up across the lawn. Now the fire has fallen to white ash; as we age, we grow perhaps a little milder, in closer communion with the earth; a little humbler, the demanding lover drawing close. I sit in the fraught stillness, missing the buoyancy, attending on the spirit. I know there are huge granaries out there, amongst the starving. I wait upon the Lord, doleful, quietly expectant.
(Song of the Goldfinch: A Memoir by John F. Deane,
Veritas Publications)
The death occurred on Monday 23rd of Liam Roe, Ballyvergin, Adamstown. We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife Muriel, daughters Jennifer, Averil, Caroline, Nicola, sons Stephen and Dermot, extended family, neighbours and friends. Liam’s funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Alphonsus Church, Barntown on Thursday last, followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery.
May he rest in peace.
We extend our condolences also to Paddy & Peggy Gethings and all the family, Adamstown Village on the death of his brother Jack Gethings, Kilanerin, Gorey. His funeral Mass was celebrated on Wednesday last in S.S Peter & Paul’s Church, Kilanerin, followed by burial in Limbrick Cemetery, Kilanerin.
May he rest in peace.
Josie Codd (née Bolger) Murrintown. R.I.P.
The death occurred on Tuesday 24th Oct of Josie Codd, The Meadows Redshire Rd, Murrintown. We extend our sincere sympathy to her husband Pat, daughters Maire, Janet and Sue, her extended family, neighbours and friends. Josie worked for many years as a Public Health Nurse in Adamstown and surrounds. She was lovely, kind, caring person, who endeared herself to all whom she came into contact with. Josie’s funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Catherine’s Church, Murrintown on Thursday last, followed by burial in the New Cemetery, Murrintown.
May her gentle soul rest in peace.
We send our condolences also to the family, neighbours and friends of the late Joe Bradley, Brownstown, Newbawn who died on Thursday last. His funeral Mass was celebrated in The Church of the Sacred Heart, Newbawn on Saturday 28th followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery. May he rest in peace.
22nd October 2023
- Provides Church centred infrastructure by helping communities build schools, clinics, parish halls, and churches.
- Prepare the future leaders and carers of the Church by supporting the training of sisters, priests, religious brothers and catechists.
- Supports missionary programmes that protect and care for children’s well-being by offering safer shelter, healthcare, education, and hope for the future.
The collection was taken up in St. Abban’s Church at last weekend Masses and amounted to €545.00, a sincere thanks for your generosity.
PRAYER FOR THE WEEK – A November Prayer
Lord God, whose days are without end
and whose mercies beyond counting,
keep us mindful that life is short
and the hour of death unknown,
Let your Spirit guide our days on earth
in ways of holiness and justice,
that we may serve you with the whole Church,
sure in faith, strong in hope, perfect in love.
And when our earthly journey is ended,
lead us rejoicing into your kingdom,
where you live for ever and ever. Amen.