Adamstown Parish Newsletter Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th January 2025 Volume 25. Number 2 ____________________________________________________________________…
March 21st, 2021
Adamstown Parish Newsletter
Weekend of Sat 20th & Sun 21st March 2021
Volume 22. Number 10
(2 pupils from Adamstown N.S. give their views on Distance Learning)
During lockdown I spent a lot of my time during the day for doing my schoolwork. I helped with cooking and cleaning (sometimes). I slept a little bit longer till about 10am. I read a lot, watched a few movies and spent time with my family. While at home I missed the routine of going to school every day, having normal lessons and seeing my friends. It was very weird looking at each other through a screen. The teacher also had a harder job explaining over the Internet. At home, I enjoyed a few things like having more time for myself, learning useful things (cooking etc.) having zoom Scout’s meetings (Polish Scouting Association) and doing some art. Overall, I’d rather be in school than learning at home. There were a few good things during lockdown, but I definitely prefer the school routine and life before Covid-19.
Amelia Swierczynska March 2021.
During lockdown, I spent lots of time doing schoolwork. I also kept myself busy by cycling and talking to friends on face time. It got extremely boring at home so I began baking. I learned how to make cookies, rocky road and Rice Krispy treats. My family’s personal favourite was definitely rocky road. I also had lots of zoom calls with guides: I missed in person lessons and the ability to sit and talk face to face with my friends. Learning at home wasn’t that easy as there were lots of distractions like animals, siblings etc. Lunch time was something else I missed, it seemed like a dream to be able to go play basketball or rounders with friends. While at home, there were a few things that made life not too bad. It was great to see family at home yet not so good that we missed cousin’s birthdays, communions and confirmations. I had lots of free time to do things l enjoy like sleep, watch Tiktok, call friends and do zoom calls. In all that fun I’m glad to be back and get a routine back with a little bit of normality.
Hannah Roche 19/03/21
The teams have completed 1,686km in week 2 and overall to date a total of 3,717km!!! Everyone is well on target to achieve or over achieve their goals. The funds raised at the end of week 2 was €3,220! Thanks to everyone for your support and all the teams for Stepping UP and OUT to raise funds for the new “dry area” in the school playground. If you would still like to donate please find the link below: adamstown-ns-step-it-up-amp-out-challenge.html
Clothes Recycling Fundraiser
Adamstown Parents Association would like to thank everyone for their support for the Recycling fundraiser.
The total amount raised was €300 which will also go towards the new “dry area” in the school playground.
(Excerpt from M.T. Connolly’s book ‘Forty Years of Wexford Agriculture’)
A number of meeting took place this year (1940) between the Horticultural instructors and representatives of a Dublin jam factory, to see if an arrangement could be made to grow certain fruit in Co. Wexford on contract to this firm.
As a result of these meetings an agreement was reached with Messrs. Lamb Bros, Dublin who supplied the plants free of charge and six acres of strawberries were sown in Adamstown, as the soil was very suitable for this fruit. A price for 75% of the crop is guaranteed, the farmers are free to market the remaining 25% if they wish. On 22nd June 1941 the first consignment of over two tons was sent to Lamb Bros, followed by 3 consignments each week until the final picking was made on 16th July. The heaviest picking was made during the weekend of 27th – 29th June, when 2.25 tons were sent by rail to Dublin. The spectacle of tons of ripe strawberries being loaded at Chapel Station attracted great attention. (The following was written about the new crop) So great was the enthusiasm for this new crop that the acreage in Adamstown has increased from 6 acres to 20 acres. At this rate of planting, in a few years Wexford will be in a position to supply practically all the strawberries required by Lamb Bros for their jam making. In Adamstown we have the nucleus of what may well become one of the greatest of the fruit plantations in this country. Great praise is due to the farmers of Adamstown who under-took the growing of this fruit which was entirely new to them, and they may well be proud of their achievement. A headline has been set for the rest of the country. The following local farmers growing fruit were: Patk O’Gorman, Kellystown; Wm Kelly, Doononey; Ml Redmond, Misterin; Rd. Fortune, Doononey; Danl O’Gorman, Kellystown, Martin Kelly, Doononey; Mrs O’Brien, Oldcourt; J O’Leary, Raheenduff; Patk Kiely, Glenour. In 1948 picking extended from 15th June to 3rd August with record yields being obtained.
When money was scarce in families in those years, many local children made lots of pocket money down the years picking the strawberries, and great fun was had during these times.
Incidentally, in 1936 in the book Paddy Moore, Tomgarrow
is listed in the ‘Small Fruit Plots’ of strawberry growers.
Over 80 years later, Adamstown has still a prominent place in growing strawberries much of which is sold as fresh fruit on the roadsides all over Ireland.
Over the past five years we have bred and released seventeen Barn Owls in Adamstown. In the coming months Owls will be busy hunting for their young. If you are lucky enough to spot them, we would love to hear about it.
Ian Cullen – 085 8270623
Sat 20th – People of the Parish
Sun 21st – Seán Doyle, Ballyvergin (A)
Sat 27th – John, Katie & Eileen Delaney, Oldcourt (A)
Sun 28th – Johnny Crean, Clonard & Glenour (A)
Pray for Pat and Mary Ellen Lawlor, Willie, John,
Aidan & Brian Lawlor, Newtown (A)
May they rest in peace. Amen.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Annette Wall and all the Wall family on the death of their mother Mrs Nancy Wall, (née Murphy Flood) Barrack St. Enniscorthy. Annette was a very kind and caring teacher in Coláiste Abbáin for many years. A private family funeral and burial took place on Tuesday last. May she rest in peace.
Feast Day this week: Thursday – The Annunciation of the Lord.
Giving her consent to God’s word, Mary becomes the mother of Jesus. Espousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely to be the person and to the work of her Son, she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with him and dependent on him, by God’s grace.
Every night I meditate upon the mysteries of the Rosary. As I lay down, I think of the particular mystery for that night. Then I say the Our Father, the prayer Jesus himself gave us. I do this first in case I slip off into sleep before I finish. Having meditated on the mystery and said the Lord’s prayer I am happy even if I fall asleep at that stage. Next I give gratitude for ten things that have been granted to me that day. They can be the most trivial of things like enjoying a meal or getting some welcome post. Then I continue with the prayers of the Rosary, I have a Mon to Fri rota every 4 weeks.
Week 1 – The Joyful Mysteries.
The Annunciation: I see Mary receiving the great news of Jesus and think also about of her cousin Elizabeth receiving her great news of John the Baptist.
The Visitation: I imagine Mary making the journey to Elizabeth, maybe with a donkey and some children accompanying her.
The Nativity: I think of all the children being born today and the joy they bring to the world.
The Presentation: I think of the ways we are presented to the world and the roles we play.
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple: Despite his great power over the crowds He came with Mary and Joseph when they called Him. Humility.
We will continue each week with the other Mysteries of the Rosary.
Log on to the Hook of Faith website on; or
There is a time to laugh; and when the time comes don’t miss it. We must learn to express ourselves in joy. Laughter is a victory over a world of ills that plague humanity and when we can laugh at ourselves, that is some victory – we have become adults.
Laughter is good medicine for relieving the strains of life, loosening tight nerves, and increasing strength for the performance of duties, and it is more enjoyable than the pharmaceutical kind.
Laughter is God’s hand on a troubled world – Anon.
An Easter Gift Package is available in the Porch of the Church. The package consists of a St. Joseph Candle, with prayer to mark the year of St. Joseph. A Cross Examination (Stations of the Cross), a St. Patrick Little Booklet and a small bottle of Holy Water to remind us of our Baptism and Celebration of Easter.
The restrictions on social interaction, the requirements for self-isolation and restructuring of services, can be particularly difficult for people who are dependent on alcohol.
If home drinking has become a problem help is available,
ON 01 – 842 0700
Extra Adoration initiative from Apostolate of Adoration for Lent.
For the 45 days of Lent up to Good Friday we are inviting people to do an hour of Adoration per day. This is not to replace your own weekly Holy Hour. This is a National effort for the end of Covid-19, for renewal of faith in Ireland and for your own intentions. This may be done at home or in the Church. 24/7 Adoration is live-streamed from St. Mary’s via Text your name and choice of hour to Fidelma 086 2603421
Full details on
Help feed 100 hungry children
Quiz on Friday next 26th March at 8pm.
Entry fee/donation €10. To enter follow the link below MM
Compassion is a deep-hearted, big-hearted quality. It is the ability to feel with others in their needs. It identifies with the pain of others’ misery, the wound of their sorrow, the anguish of their concern, or the want of their poverty.
It is the one thing the whole human family needs and craves – mercy. And those who fill that need will find doors that swing inward to their approach.
Pity weeps and runs away;
Compassion come to help and stay.
(Janet Curtis O’Leary)